Good day to all you girls n boys in internet world who does read this ere blog that i'm writing n that. Has been a whole week since i did write the other one, and had lots of positive feedback but still no knickers sent in the post, i am suspecting my postman of withholding what is rightfully and legally mine, in fact i am thinking of setting up a Sting, whereas i send some sort of insect that does have a really poisonous bite slash sting, and when he opens the envelope which will be sprayed with a half decent perfume that i shall have to get on the envelope by taking it into Boots the chemist and using a tester (always thinking me) , So assuming this works i will not receive any mail as the postman will be dead or i will get a totally new shiny postie, who may or may not be a thieving bastard.
So how the How the frig are you my lovelies? not long until pancake day (Tuesday 8th march), the day of the year we break out the lemon juice and sugar, i never have pancakes, or any sort of lemon and sugar combination (not including lockets honey and lemon sweets for sore throats) any other time of the year!! and u get to see who the best or biggest Tosser is in your household unless like me you live alone and you win by default being the best and or the biggest Tosser all year round.
This week or last night We had no Big Fat Gypsy Wedding, which was the most documentary on channel 4 ever apparently hitting nearly 9 million viewers, now i know you may think that i am just a fountain of facts and information as well as being incredibly good looking, talented and full of bullshit..anyway's No Gypsy on telly did make me a very sad boy even going to the trouble of switching the telly box of between 9pm-10pm last night (i fucking didn't) >> but not to worry as one of our favourite Gyppo's was in this weeks and last weeks newspapers, of course i am referring to the king of the Gypsies, put your hands together for the one, the only (he's not) Paddy O'Dougherty, the man who has over 70 God children and has fucked more gypsies than the government planning department in England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales combined, yes apparently Mr i get 2 new cars every year and have annual parties in the cemetery is currently being "Minded" by the police after he gave evidence against another traveller who broke his Jaw in 2 places after an attempted fight in a nightclub.
what has broken my heart in this instance is the fact that the man i looked up to as a role model has gone against the gypsies ways (as they put it, not me, my grammars shit but im not retarded), yeah so he stood up in court and said he was putting it all on for the camera on the Danny dyers deadliest men and of course our beloved BFGW. Its all an act he says, next they will be telling me Grabbing is actually glorified "rape" and all them girls are NOT virgins when they get married? please don't say its so?
So maybe my accusations of charging to be a godparent were true after all, i think he has bigger things to worry about at the moment than what i think, like i wonder what caravan is going to be set fire to first when the rest of the tax dodging, tarmac laying brigade find out that he's given evidence in court against another Traveller and i did read that he is also related, which kind of goes without saying seeing as they marry their own sisters.. that was just a joke, half sisters and first cousins are not ruled out though.
also in the papers were Violet Annes family wedding where the caters alleged that hes still owed 4 grand from her dad who is one of the gypsies who lives in a house made of bricks.. im very confused as they all seemed to have the highest morality of any people i had ever had the chance to see on my telly box.
I did actually have a sneaky peek at the Telly box and saw resident nut case chef stroke food scientist Heston Blumenthal campaigning to to make food in a children's ward of a hospital better by dreaming up names like "sick soup", Eyeballs" and other ludicrous ideas involving putting ketchup filled worms on a pizza, now far be it from me to criticise but the bloke is mental and his menu seemed impractical at best, injecting worms with the ketchup seemed like a lengthy process and only really an idea that will be a novelty.
anyway enough about that crazy c*%t, next week we have something called the model agency, i reckon it will be a right bitch fest and well worth a viewing.. check me out trying to be some sort of TV critic, im thinking i may need to get a life that doesn't involve watching telly box on the nights i finish work!!
This saturday i am Dj'ing at Mc Suppliers birthday bash at Opera house and might try get a driver and have a few shandys, so if you fancy a night out, feel free to come say helllllllo!!
recording episode 7 of the Big & Clever Podcast tonight and im very pleased to announce we have passed 8000 downloads and counting, its all very exciting stuff. we are looking at bringing up a guest every now and then as well as doing a live podcast via u stream so look out for that girls n lads.
So thats it for this weeks blog, do remember all feedback is gratefully received and i reply to everyone's messages, so until next weeks exciting drama, take care of you are yours and Brappp yes i said it!! i went there x
quality stuff next week on channel 4 my big fat gypsie grass