welcome peoples, finally found time to re start doing my Blogs... been up to loads good and baddd..
so now the snow has settled and melted from winter 2010 we look forward to the future of 2011, this is the time when everyone says they are going to have a better yeah and all that old shite, but remember..you can only change things by changing things, all the talking and facebook status's in the world aren't going to make you have a better year, day or 5 minutes.
For true happiness in life i think you may have to adopt the attitude of the three wise monkeys (look, hear and see now evil), i know it sounds off key but if your like me and you spend countless hours worrying about things that haven't even happened yet, then you set yourself up to be disappointed at every turn..or relieved when somebody lets you down because you expect them to anyway. its not great to look at life this way but you get to see things exactly how they are, kinda like waking up from being in the matrix.
Some people go through life relying on others and never standing on there own feet, this comes down to insecurity in their own abilities and not wanting to try and fail, they just dont have the character to except that kind of defeat.
But what i say is try your hand at anything you want, from sky diving to learning to knit.. my phobias as a child were being worried that nobody likes me. i kind of had the same issue as i got older, but it wasnt until i realised i was on my own and dealing with everything life threw at me, that i could see that i didnt actually care.
i know your wondering why im going on about this now, but its to do with changing you life for the better.. since my last blogs i decided that everything that i didnt like about my life could be sorted by facing things and having routine in my life.. i decided i needed a job to have a reason to get up in the morning. and what i have noticed is that when your body has routine it works a lot better, so with this also in mind i decided to get a personal trainer and have a diet plan written for me, so the long term plan is change eating habits for life and be under pressure to go gym even when im not in the mood..
I been asked how my comedy stuff is coming along, i wrote some material and was going to west end every Tuesday in December to practice in front of an audience. the hardest thing about doing stand up is remembering your jokes and the order you wanna tell them in, and they best way to do that is practise, something that i seem unable to do when im on my own, i feel so stupid looking in the mirror saying my jokes to myself and would conjure up thoughts of mental illness lol
so anyway's it got to the big night of my first paid GIG and i was asked to be there early and i was super nervous, and i was the first comic on.. my first joke bombed, then my second one.. i remember thinking this is not going well, then i was heckled my some guy and i tore into him and everyone laughed, so off the back on that confidence i just told my most offensive jokes and everyone was laughing, so i stayed on for another 5 minutes and thought i would finish whilst it was still going really well.. everyone was clapping which was a wicked buzz, better than any drugs ive ever had.
i was in Bromley about a week later and a big black guy walked right up to me and said "its you from the other night" now on hearing this i started to think he might of been the guy i was insulting.. i thought about denying it but figured it might not be a good idea in the long run, so i said "yep" waiting for the punch in the face, until he put out his hand and said he really likes my work and thought i was funny, which was a major relief.. then the sense on achievement came over me and i decided that i should probably do a professional comedy course and peruse it as a potential carer.. so in feb i will do the course and try do this comedy thing properly.
still on the comedy note, me and a friend called keith decided to record a comedy/banter podcast, its currently up in the i tunes top 20 (new and noteworthy) chart, this morning it was at number 4 which is quite an achievement seeing as we have only recorded 2 episodes, we will be recording them every 2 weeks for FREE download on itunes, as a massive favour i am asking as many of you as possible to download the podcast & try write a quick review, even if its 2 words, it all helps.. my long term goal with the pod-cast is to get a radio show on a legal radio station as it keiths goal, and i want to use this time to come up with new material for stand up, so it all goes in hand pretty much.
the pod-cast is called "Big and clever" and its posted up by "True Vip" all help is muchly appreciated.
if you have any topics or Garry news for the pod-cast please get in touch via email, twitter, smoke signal, facebook..well you get the idea.
right that's this weeks blog, to be honest i could go on for about another hour, but i dont think you got the time to read about what i been up to.. there really is loads..
until next weeks blog peoples, take care and if you are looking to change 2011, get off your arse and do it!!
please remember to drop your feedback too :-)
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