Welcome to the messed up world of Daniel Blaze aged 13 & 3 quaters (im not)

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Wednesday, 9 March 2011

wednesday 9th march 2011 << Jesus loves me

yabba dabba do kids, welcome to this weeks really fun blog where will be so happy its unbelievable, usually because people who appear to be overly happy are crying inside like kittens in a sack, being hung over a river crossing.
This weeks blog is also brought to you in 4D its like 3D but it has that added feature of actually being real and smellworthy, not that is even a word, but i thought of it, so therefore shall declare it one as i stand on my chair at work telling all and sundry who will listen.

i sent out last weeks blog a total of 4 times on facebook but think because it had links to CDs, and my iTunes podcast link they thought you shouldn't read it.. well im assuming that's the case, because i got a very low amount of feedback on it, which is more than a disappointment seeing as i take the time to write the bloody thing.. so please feel free to look on my blogger site for last weeks blog which was also the one where i gave away a solid gold bar with every view, but seeing as that offer has now expired you are no longer eligible to claim your very own one!!

seek and you shall find said some man who apparently lives in the sky, he knows all but never shows his face or speaks to sane people, i think he only has one to ones with people that we tend to not pay much attention to, well those and so called Christian preachers who hold church service in shop doorways, nightclubs and disused garages and have no formal qualification or church recognised status for calling themselves Bishops, Pastors, Vicars and my personal favourite "prophet" like WOW you really need to be on gods speed dial to be alive and calling yourself a Prophet, and hasn't this still status got to be recognised by somebody in power somewhere? it seems not, these Christian churches seem to be a law onto themselves, paying no tax as they are registered as "churches" and religious organisations allowed to operate tax free, applying for grants and collecting money from anyone who sees it OK to give them their hard earned pennies!! well not me.. im not a hater and every man is entitled to his Hustle, but please dont try and get my on your hype, as im quite offended that you expect me to believe A. because you say so and B because if your a real man of God why do you feel the need to open your own church? why not celebrate with others?

Its like not being able to succeed in a company, so rather than try work your way up and get credibility you decide to start your own business and declare yourself the TOP DOG. so with this in mind i might start a company called..i dunno... God aint a great!! my new company deals with everything from walking your dog, cleaning your house to telling you how to live & where your going wrong. i declare myself the brains of this outfit obviously and shall give myself a snappy important sounding title like "Gods right-hand man & PA" then go about telling people i need 20% of every penny they earn. we will have meetings twice a week where i will charm you with stories of mine and Gods really close relationship, where you will feel you are getting vale for money from me, as i will get you to sing songs, pretty much like Karaoke without the Telly and a lack of any popular songs from today's top 40 chart.

if you think the above sounds like a great idea please send as much money as you can to me knowing you will be doing the lords work.. he will be pleased with your help (yeah ever wondered why a man oh so powerful needs help?) and when you die he will look after you, however this will also be far too late to find out if such a man exists and you might be pissed off to know you washed your whole life worshipping a false idol.. maybe you wanna read the small print and the facts from now!!

if you are reading this Jesus and all that heaven stuff is true, then i am sorry and i know you will forgive me because that's what you do RESULT!

i cant believe i have missed so much TV over the last week, so not much to report.. Saturday i went on a date with someone and missed take me out, which is a bit of a choker! seeing as it was a bit of a waste of my time, shes not a very nice girl and i wont be seeing her again. i dont know if i mentioned she was 6'3 and im only 5'7, but getting past that shes not a nice person.

got so much stuff coming up in the next few months, i have been asked to attempt to write a screen play, me and Keith from the podcast are going to Portsmouth to record a live TV interview, a magazine interview and a series of radio interviews, this is all on top of me starting a new IT task in my currant job and both clubs i look after going to be open more as the hot weather approaches, so i am going to be stupid busy, which is a good thing but also a little bit sad too as i dont think even if the right person comes along im going to have the time. :-(

with all the changes in my life i decided i am going to change my phone number and only use it for work, everyone that knows me can message me on facebook, twitter or my email. i no it might sound like im being funny with a lot of people, but i need to clear out as much stress as possible and get on with the things that i need to do without any distractions. its already making me more relaxed and happier.. i remember when people only had house phones or you had to call a phone box to speak to someone. in 2011 we want to get hold of someone there and then 24 hours a day without any thought of how it might affect that person or no matter how busy they might be.

right think im going to leave this weeks blog there, remember if you have any comments please do drop me an facebook, email or tweet >> i do read them all and try my best to reply.. until next week when i will have more for you i shall bid you farewell and ta'ra for now, look after what's yours, because its yours!

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