7 days without prayer makes one weak.. the church have had to result to word play to grab peoples attention because of church attendance numbers being at an all time low unless you count the African churches that have popped up like sweat shops all over the place, housing them in clubs, tenant halls and any place that’s available.
I remember from the De Vinci code that written in the bible or somewhere is the saying that I am all around you, lift a stone, break a piece of wood and I am there. What I got from that message was that you do not need to go to church to pray, because god (I would just like to point out at this moment in time that I do not believe in god, well I don’t believe in god as we have been told it, but more about that in a bit, well maybe as I don’t actually know what I am going to write next) is everywhere.
I really don’t know why I don’t believe in god or the version of god we have been told exists, it just seems highly unlikely that things would be as they are now if such a being existed, after all why would he send his so called son (yeah that’s Jesus) down to earth and we have heard no more since? And the stories in the bible all contradict each other. I watched some programme the other day saying as a kid Jesus was a really naughty kid (I know that just sounds weird don’t it), he was believed to be involved in his friends death (how could they accuse him of all people, lol), they thought he pushed his mate off a roof and he fell to his death. Now I know you are dying (excuse the pun) to know how this story resolved itself, because I’m sure you haven’t got the impression of lord and savior was some sort of rude boy who people were scared of, who went round pushing people off roofs if they didn’t do what he said.
No our mate on the cross (well before he was on the cross) brought his mate back from the dead to tell people that he didn’t kill him, brilliant! Maybe he should come back to earth and solve a few murder mysteries for us. But seeing as his dad (yes I’m mean god) is everywhere he wouldn’t even need to turn up to the scene of the crime, he could just send a text message or email to save man hours.
I’m not sure if you are actually aware that the bible is loads of other books, well parts of other books put together so the people of the time it was written can all stick to one set of rules and guidelines if you want to call it that (I’m sure there is a more official name, but I’m going to stick with my way of explaining things). Well basically a group was set up to pick and choose stories and letters from all these other books to make one official book. There were books and stories that were not put in at the time but were considered to be just as or more important than the ones finally chosen.
There was one on Mary, whom they say remained a virgin throughout her life but had other kids, so you can’t be sure that it’s the truth. There was a version of one called Adam and eve that says that one of there sons married a woman. But seeing as they were the only humans invented by god, it doesn’t add up because who was she? One book called the book of jubilees says that he married his own sister. Now that sounds about right in my opinion, but either way it’s all a load of shit. None of it is consistent and lets face it, there was fuck all else to do in them times other than have sex, eat and pray.
You might think this is all a bit weird banging on about religion but I am fascinated by the fact that so many people believe and have faith in something that doesn’t stand up to scrutiny. If you have been to or seen a programme that shows what happens in a court room, you will know that you have to swear on the bible to say that you are not lying. Come on how fucking stupid is that?
Even if you do not believe in god, fairy’s or even that the moon is made of cheese you have to swear on a book of stories to say that you are not going to tell any lies in court. I will be honest with you now and tell you I have lied in court, it’s a serious matter called perjury and if found out you can go to prison. But my reason for telling you is that putting you hand on a bible and saying that the sky is luminous black with pink spots is not going to make anything happen, the sky is not going to open up and a big hand come down and give you a dry slap. So ask yourself why the fuck do they do it. All I can think is tradition.
So now the bible bashing bit is over how the hell are you? I been trying to prepare mentally for this 26 mile bike ride I have coming up next week Sunday, I know its going to kill me if I’m honest but I will get through it so I don’t let anyone down. I’m trying to raise £500 because its a nice round figure, I have set a just giving page which is linked to the charity that I am supporting and you can use your debit or credit card to make a donation, it really does count even if you only donate £1 or £100, and it all goes straight to the charity with no funny business, as I am the most skeptical person when it comes to giving my card details out. If you would like to sponsor me the web address is http://www.justgiving.com/Daniel-blaze or if you are in south London you can just give me the cash and fill out a sponsor sheet. So far if everyone who has said gives me the cash I will have raised nearly £300, so not far left to go, so don’t be fucking tight and gives ya fuckin money (that was a bob Geldof quote there, but I’m using it now lol)
I tried doing that fucking Cambridge diet last week, I got to day 5 and gave up, I really don’t know what the fucks the matter with me, and I’m just going to mug it off and get into this training and gym and maybe gradually cut out eating the junk I eat. I do feel like a bit of a failure for not being able to stick to it, but you cant spend your life stopping and starting it as it means I have a constant headache and never got any fucking energy as the first couple of weeks is the killer. So tomorrow which is Wednesday I am going to get back out on my bike and go gym this week and eat what the fuck I want for now and see how that pans out.
Went to see the Michael McIntyre comedy road show last night and had a really good night and was lucky enough to meet him during and after the show, not really a bin fan but he was actually funny, so I have to give him ratings. What happens is comedians write there material and try it out over and over again until its funnier to a more commercial crowd, but for me by then its been watered down and a bit shit, so I think the smaller venues like the comedy store are much better than going to see them in a 30’000 venues when all you can see is a dot on the stage. Keep it real peoples.
Right I am going to chip (remember that old skool saying), but please remember to drop feedback on my blogs or any opinions you might have feel free to share them as I’m always interested and even fascinated in some cases. So with that in mind have a lovely week and have a think about what I said about religion, it’s all down to the individual but I hate being lied to.
Be good Daniel Blaze
Welcome to the messed up world of Daniel Blaze aged 13 & 3 quaters (im not)
Be Interested in your comments and all that old shite >> so write away peoples :-)
Tuesday, 15 June 2010
Tuesday, 8 June 2010
8th june 2010 // sorry for missing a week
So here we are in the British summer, everyone’s got there shorts on but also wearing a waterproof poncho because we all know its going to bloody rain any minute, were told its down to global warming and all that shit, but if we can be truly honest with ourselves the weather in this fucking country has always been shit, and even worse if you live in Scotland where you can buy heroin in the local sweet shop because its so grim up there (just for the record you can not buy heron in sweetshops in Scotland it was just a dig at how much I think Scotland is depressing.. no offence Scotland, none taken. Oh thanks).
I remember passing through Scotland and seeing that you can buy fags in the chip shop, which I have never seen before. I mean in London we have shops for everything from milkshakes with chocolate bars in them to rubber cocks in the shape of famous porn stars (not that I can name any guys from the world of porn, I am pretty sure that’s where women seem to excel and don’t mind non equal working practices and pay. But who really wants to be any of those women? That’s what I thought lol).
Another odd thing I have seen on my many travels is a drive through....spar, yes the mini supermarket chain where you can pay for your electric or buy 3 day old bread and there is always a crazy deal on something that you never usually buy but when its buy one get one free it seems like you need it in your life all of a sudden.
So back to our drive through spar in north Belfast, now compared to Belfast, Scotland is Disney land, not the shit one in France, Disney land Florida, with Mickey mouse who doesn’t small of garlic and is always pleased to help (quick info alert..A one day pass for Disney land Florida for 3 adults and 4 kids is about £700+). God I keep deviating from this bloody drive through that I’m getting sick of talking about already, well my actual point was that I thought it was weird, and I didn’t see anybody use the fucking thing, I did go in the shop and buy stuff whilst I was there, and in case you didn’t know they use the Euro over there because that’s how much they fucking hate us, lol. Even Scotland has there own currency, and they hate us more than that lool.
Whilst in Belfast I did feel a bit scared, no fuck it.. I was proper shook. There are roads where people have flags and banners outside of there houses to state weather they are protestant or catholic (and if your not aware they kill each other for there beliefs), and there are potholes in the roads where they have massive fires and demonstrations against things that are going on in there country. I felt like I shouldn’t be walking the streets at night in case something bad happened to me (so I didn’t), now you may think I am exaggerating but ask yourself this question. Why is it that if your gas or electricity runs out after 7pm at night, how come it doesn’t actually go off? They allow you to continue to have “said” amenity’s until the following morning when it’s safe to go out of your house again.
Don’t get me wrong I know all of Ireland isn’t like that, and when you get into the city centre its pretty much like any town centre, but the part I was in was a bit frightening for an outsider like me, lol
Had so much on over the last few weeks, but now I’m sitting here trying to remember my flipin minds gone blank, saying that I had a laugh at someone’s expense on Sunday night at the club I run, we have a Jamaican night on Sundays, and I get involved asking people to buy tickets of cue up if its busy, on Sunday this group of Jamaican men came up to the cue and I said “excuse me guys, you need to grab a ticket”, one of the dudes was offended saying that guys sounds too much like gays, and he don’t want to be referred to as guys.. I couldn’t stop laughing at this bloody idiot
Trying to get mentally adjusted to do this 26 mile bike ride on the 27th of June, if you don’t know already its for charity and I would really like everyone to sponsor me, as much or as little as you can afford, the easiest way you can give is by my just giving page which is located by clicking on http://www.justgiving.com/Daniel-blaze or the old fashioned by giving me the cash to put in the collection tin I have been given by the charity. I haven’t actually been out on my bike in the last few days, but I will be doing some major catch up later on from this week. Trust in me people and I will get this ride done.
I Dj’ed at scala in kings cross on Saturday for the school reunion party where I got to play loads of wicked tunes then on to Wesley Jays birthday party at Opera house where we did our new Funk mob projects new tune called Funky Moves, we have so much stuff coming up. Like tomorrow the official mix Cd comes out tomorrow and the Video will be on a music channel near you in the next few weeks, as well as a Tour of the UK and Abroad to look forward to.. so look out for the Cd and Video, if you haven’t already, please join the Funk Mob group on facebook, also they are live on radio Wednesdays from 8pm-10pm, check them out.
Right I am going to keep it short as I’m mad busy still but I will get back on this blog situation from now.. Remember all your feedback and stuff is always welcome, have a lovely week.. Will try doing another blog this weekend
I remember passing through Scotland and seeing that you can buy fags in the chip shop, which I have never seen before. I mean in London we have shops for everything from milkshakes with chocolate bars in them to rubber cocks in the shape of famous porn stars (not that I can name any guys from the world of porn, I am pretty sure that’s where women seem to excel and don’t mind non equal working practices and pay. But who really wants to be any of those women? That’s what I thought lol).
Another odd thing I have seen on my many travels is a drive through....spar, yes the mini supermarket chain where you can pay for your electric or buy 3 day old bread and there is always a crazy deal on something that you never usually buy but when its buy one get one free it seems like you need it in your life all of a sudden.
So back to our drive through spar in north Belfast, now compared to Belfast, Scotland is Disney land, not the shit one in France, Disney land Florida, with Mickey mouse who doesn’t small of garlic and is always pleased to help (quick info alert..A one day pass for Disney land Florida for 3 adults and 4 kids is about £700+). God I keep deviating from this bloody drive through that I’m getting sick of talking about already, well my actual point was that I thought it was weird, and I didn’t see anybody use the fucking thing, I did go in the shop and buy stuff whilst I was there, and in case you didn’t know they use the Euro over there because that’s how much they fucking hate us, lol. Even Scotland has there own currency, and they hate us more than that lool.
Whilst in Belfast I did feel a bit scared, no fuck it.. I was proper shook. There are roads where people have flags and banners outside of there houses to state weather they are protestant or catholic (and if your not aware they kill each other for there beliefs), and there are potholes in the roads where they have massive fires and demonstrations against things that are going on in there country. I felt like I shouldn’t be walking the streets at night in case something bad happened to me (so I didn’t), now you may think I am exaggerating but ask yourself this question. Why is it that if your gas or electricity runs out after 7pm at night, how come it doesn’t actually go off? They allow you to continue to have “said” amenity’s until the following morning when it’s safe to go out of your house again.
Don’t get me wrong I know all of Ireland isn’t like that, and when you get into the city centre its pretty much like any town centre, but the part I was in was a bit frightening for an outsider like me, lol
Had so much on over the last few weeks, but now I’m sitting here trying to remember my flipin minds gone blank, saying that I had a laugh at someone’s expense on Sunday night at the club I run, we have a Jamaican night on Sundays, and I get involved asking people to buy tickets of cue up if its busy, on Sunday this group of Jamaican men came up to the cue and I said “excuse me guys, you need to grab a ticket”, one of the dudes was offended saying that guys sounds too much like gays, and he don’t want to be referred to as guys.. I couldn’t stop laughing at this bloody idiot
Trying to get mentally adjusted to do this 26 mile bike ride on the 27th of June, if you don’t know already its for charity and I would really like everyone to sponsor me, as much or as little as you can afford, the easiest way you can give is by my just giving page which is located by clicking on http://www.justgiving.com/Daniel-blaze or the old fashioned by giving me the cash to put in the collection tin I have been given by the charity. I haven’t actually been out on my bike in the last few days, but I will be doing some major catch up later on from this week. Trust in me people and I will get this ride done.
I Dj’ed at scala in kings cross on Saturday for the school reunion party where I got to play loads of wicked tunes then on to Wesley Jays birthday party at Opera house where we did our new Funk mob projects new tune called Funky Moves, we have so much stuff coming up. Like tomorrow the official mix Cd comes out tomorrow and the Video will be on a music channel near you in the next few weeks, as well as a Tour of the UK and Abroad to look forward to.. so look out for the Cd and Video, if you haven’t already, please join the Funk Mob group on facebook, also they are live on radio Wednesdays from 8pm-10pm, check them out.
Right I am going to keep it short as I’m mad busy still but I will get back on this blog situation from now.. Remember all your feedback and stuff is always welcome, have a lovely week.. Will try doing another blog this weekend
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